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Do you ever feel the same way, like you’d prefer to completely overhaul your life and leave everything behind?

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Sometimes we cling to what is until we finally muster the courage to let ourselves be carried away by the winds of imagination, towards what could be.

Do you ever feel the same way, like you’d prefer to completely overhaul your life and leave everything behind?

Not that easy, you may think, but a part of you continues to dream of new horizons. We humans tend to stick to familiar paths because they are comforting and make us feel secure, even if we’re not happy there.

Everything new initially instills fear in us because we haven’t experienced it yet. It could be a new relationship, a new job, a change of scenery, or sometimes even things that are considered ordinary by others.

However, once you take the leap, always associated with a gut decision, you’ll feel how alive you suddenly become and how energy courses through you.

I’m here to support you in finding your courage and embarking on new paths. With love, Ellen

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